Well - as our children head back to school, more and more are required to carry clear bags or no bags because of the safety issues that we are facing in our learning environments.
S1 is meeting these challenges head-on with our full line of clear bags and backpacks. More and more schools are working with us to ensure that their students are carrying the finest clear bags on the market.As consumers we all know that "Cheap is expensive" so why not buy a product that you know will stand up to the day to day wear and tear that our children inflict on any and all of their things.
Visit us at www.s1bags.com to see our full line and purchase a product that will last. Parents want safety - kids want cool - and S1 is there to satisfy all! Be part of the solution and help keep our learning environments safe. Together, we can make a difference.
S1 ~ The advantages are CLEAR!