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S1 Checkpoint Friendly Laptop Bags

Monday, December 29, 2008

The Secret and More...

How are we ending this year and beginning a new one? Are we leaving things undone hoping they will take care of themselves or are we realizing that we need to let our minds rest for a bit as we begin 2009. Sometimes taking a step back and reflecting on the successes and near-successes of the past year gives us a renewed sense of purpose and a drive to push ourselves to the next level.

Someone sent me a new link to The Secret - and I am sharing it here on my blog as well as implementing the laws of attraction in my daily life. We are the writers of our own play, the authors of the scripts that govern our lives, and when we focus on the positive we empower ourselves to make our dreams reality.

No matter what happens, their is always a positive lesson to be learned - no matter how difficult the lesson - it can work to our advantage. The mind hears and focuses on the signals we send it - so focusing on the positive elements gives our minds the power to grow strong.

I have learned that my greatest achievements have come out of my lesser ones. Learning from our mistakes is the definition of intelligence - and I am striving to be as intelligent as possible!!!
Even as I have been promoting S1 and our clear bags I have taken a step back to work with others in starting or propelling their business forward. Happily I have had much more success than not - but when I don't succeed I have learned to take the lesson and leave the rest. Not everyone you work with will be successful, but as long as I know I have done the best I can, I am content with the outcome.

So to all of us - here is to a successful, powerful, positive New Year. May the Laws of Attraction bring you all the positive energy and success that you strive for. Surround yourself with the belief that if you see it in your minds eye you can achieve it in your daily life. Your thoughts and feelings are what you will attract into your life - so my New Year's resolution is to focus on the joy of life, the power of the element of surprise and the excitement of exceeding my expectations and finding the magic in each and every achievement.

Happy New Year to all!!!!!


Anonymous said...

The Secret is the latest and by far the worst example of a HIGHLY profitable trend where self-help gurus with fabricated new age titles and little relevant education, credentials or legitimate expertise brainwash us into believing that they know what is best for us, our marriages and our families.

Often their only contribution to society is introducing some exotic sounding, new age philosophy. However, they often cleverly form an incestuous group of like-minded “experts” who cross-promote each other by swearing their success is due to following the beliefs of another member of their “cult!” All the while, they ply the airwaves jockeying for an ever-larger audience by appearing in the national media to garner third-party endorsements.

The Self-Help Movement has become the Self-Destruct Movement by diminishing or destroying our critical thinking skills to choose and evolve on our own. We have given up the freedom to build healthy lives, marriages and families based on our unique history and life experience. Instead many victims, blinded to the value of their own life experiences, are attracted to the latest secret in self-help, in an attempt to find out what they should think, feel and how they should act... this is the definition of a cult.

The solution is a return to our (common) senses! The best way out of this learned “self-helplessness” is to go cold turkey. Stop following ALL self-help gurus now. Begin, instead, to reclaim your natural, God-given ability to think for yourself. The common sense that was once readily available to all of us is still there free of charge and waiting to be applied to just about any challenge we might face in life… all you have to do is use it.

Please, let's all work together to stop the flock of "sheepeople" who blindly move from one UNPROVEN concept to the next, looking for the answers to life's challenges that you already possess and that is the OBVIOUS!

Dori S1 Bags said...

Thanks for your comment - I always am interested in other viewpoints.

When I shared the Secret yesterday it was really to make people aware that the power to reclaim their lives is within them. I don't see the people sharing the secret as guru's or spouting new age philosophy - but opening people's eyes to the fact that their actions and reactions create the world around them and that attitude is everything.

Each of us takes what we want from all that we hear and either learn from it or dismiss it - the choice is there for them to make. Merely sharing another viewpoint is just that - sharing another way of looking at things and then going on from there.

I really do appreciate your comment and am happy to post it on my blog - hope you will contribute again John.

Happy New Year!

Dori S1 Bags said...

Ah John - I had no idea you were pushing your own agenda here with your site about self-help fraud!!

How good of you to step in and offer people your version of how they should help themselves. So I guess you just use simpler words to assist people in looking at ways to improve day to day. Interesting!!!

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