See why we are S1 - The CLEAR Advantage!

S1 Checkpoint Friendly Laptop Bags

S1 Checkpoint Friendly Laptop Bags
S1 Checkpoint Friendly Laptop Bags

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Another Elevator Pitch Contest!

Well - I went to an event at The Hard Rock Cafe at Yankee Stadium sponsored by WCBS 880 News Radio - and low and behold - the evening included an Elevator Pitch Contest!

Let me back up - I have been invited to different networking events that WCBS has had in the past, and this was the first one I was able to attend. Couple that with it being at the new Yankee Stadium and my car practically drove itself to the event. There was an excellent turn-out and great contacts to make, so I smiled and started working the room!

About an hour into the event, I hear a voice that sounded like "The Great and Powerful Wizard of Oz" meaning a voice over the microphone and no one in sight!! Well, I worked my way down into the lower part of the room and there was Chad Lopez doing his thing. He welcomed everyone, acknowledged different companies that has tables there and announced the Elevator Pitch Contest. Needless to say, I was very excited about having a chance to pitch S1 at this event.

Happily, I was one of the people selected - and I won the contest! The prize - a free round of a 60 second commercial on WCBS 880 News Radio! How amazing is that!?! Not only does S1 get this very costly advertising for free - they want me to do the voice over for the commercial.

In deciding the best route to go, we are going to modify the voice over for our TV commercial and focus on the Checkpoint Friendly Laptop Bags and Backpack - adding that corporate branding is available for custom orders.

This is why it is so very important to have your Elevator Pitch down cold no matter where you are. You never know when you will have a chance to pitch the who, what, where, why, when and how of your company - and when the chance arises, you want to always be on top of your game.

I will keep you posted as to when we will be on the air! So remember - we are S1 - The CLEAR Advantage!

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