See why we are S1 - The CLEAR Advantage!

S1 Checkpoint Friendly Laptop Bags

S1 Checkpoint Friendly Laptop Bags
S1 Checkpoint Friendly Laptop Bags

Monday, December 29, 2008

The Secret and More...

How are we ending this year and beginning a new one? Are we leaving things undone hoping they will take care of themselves or are we realizing that we need to let our minds rest for a bit as we begin 2009. Sometimes taking a step back and reflecting on the successes and near-successes of the past year gives us a renewed sense of purpose and a drive to push ourselves to the next level.

Someone sent me a new link to The Secret - and I am sharing it here on my blog as well as implementing the laws of attraction in my daily life. We are the writers of our own play, the authors of the scripts that govern our lives, and when we focus on the positive we empower ourselves to make our dreams reality.

No matter what happens, their is always a positive lesson to be learned - no matter how difficult the lesson - it can work to our advantage. The mind hears and focuses on the signals we send it - so focusing on the positive elements gives our minds the power to grow strong.

I have learned that my greatest achievements have come out of my lesser ones. Learning from our mistakes is the definition of intelligence - and I am striving to be as intelligent as possible!!!
Even as I have been promoting S1 and our clear bags I have taken a step back to work with others in starting or propelling their business forward. Happily I have had much more success than not - but when I don't succeed I have learned to take the lesson and leave the rest. Not everyone you work with will be successful, but as long as I know I have done the best I can, I am content with the outcome.

So to all of us - here is to a successful, powerful, positive New Year. May the Laws of Attraction bring you all the positive energy and success that you strive for. Surround yourself with the belief that if you see it in your minds eye you can achieve it in your daily life. Your thoughts and feelings are what you will attract into your life - so my New Year's resolution is to focus on the joy of life, the power of the element of surprise and the excitement of exceeding my expectations and finding the magic in each and every achievement.

Happy New Year to all!!!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

To Blog or Not To Blog...That is the Question!

To blog or not to blog...the ruling is still out on this one. Some people you speak to will say that blogging is an integral part of your online presence, others will say that blogging is becoming passe and that it is better to use twitter to get yourself out there.

Well - as someone who is finally getting the hang of blogging I just can't jump ship - I want to build this end of my social network, too.

The real question is - why can't you do both? Why can't we blog, tweet, tweem, post, be linkedin, facebook and the list goes on and on and on and on...I'm sure you get the point!

Ultimately, it seems to me that the more of a presence you have online, no matter what the forum, you are getting yourself out there and creating a splinter effect in the online community. Sooner or later something you are doing will be effective.

As someone who is striving to learn as much as possible to make my office as productive as it can be - even with gas going back to 2006 prices - I am going to continue with what I know, learn what I don't and defer to the experts and devote 2-3 hours per week to building an online presence.

Last week, I created our first holiday sale campaign for S1 bags! We are offering 25% off your entire order when you add the code - HH123 at checkout time. Happily, people are responding - please do so if you haven't already - you can do this by visiting

No matter how you decide to promote yourself online, the most important thing is to be consistent. You can't create a presence if you are not present on a continuous basis - so blog, tweet, post, comment and share all that you are doing with your fellow networkers. It is the only way to make networking really work!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy Holiday's from S1

Well - the holiday season is upon us officially - although according to the retail stores this year it actually began before Halloween!

In response to the economic issues we are dealing with this year - S1 - for Safety First - is offering a 25% discount on all our products until December 31, 2008.

To receive this discount - please visit to see our newly expanded line of clear bags and backpacks and when you check out in the coupon window type in the code HH123 and just as easy as 123 you will receive a 25% discount on your entire order.

There is no limit to how many times you may use the coupon until the 31st and feel free to share the information with friends and colleagues.

Again - all of us here at S1 wish you and your family a SAFE and happy Holiday Season.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Hello to all - I can't believe how much time has gone by and how much has happened since my last posting!

Since appearing on MSNBC I have been promoting not only S1 but other businesses and it is true - when you step out of your own way and work on building something for someone else - things just seem to fall into place. It is the whole abundance of the universe coming full circle.

The Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz invited me on her monthly cable show which will air for the month of September on each local access station in CT! The other guest on the show was Andrew Markowski from NFIB - the National Federation of Independent Business. What an amazing organization and one that I must encourage each and every independent business owner to join.

NFIB is the nation's leading small business association with offices in all 50 states. They are a very powerful network of grassroots activists who fight every day for the last 60 years to promote and protect free enterprise in America. NFIB is the leading force in the ongoing battle to safeguard the interests of independent business owners and again, I urge each of you to join so your voice is heard.

After taping the show I spoke with Andy to see what the NFIB could do for my small business. Well, long story to short, he invited me to become part of the Leadership Council Board of Directors and become one of the advocates fighting to make sure the voice of small business is heard. I'll keep you posted as to when this all takes place - so keep your fingers crossed.

I have to tell you - my political involvement has always been being informed enough to make an intelligent decision when I stepped into the voting booth - and that is it. The prospect of going up to Capital Hill - both here in CT and in DC is daunting and exciting at the same time - and I am going to give it my best shot.

For whatever it is worth - take a look at this organization that will not only make sure that your voice it heard but will promote you in their national publication which is printed 6 times a year.

Let me know what you think and I hope that your voice rings out loud and clear as a new member of NFIB. Tell them Dori sent you!!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

S1 on MSNBC Sunday Oct 5th!

S1 will be featured on MSNBC's Your Business Show and their Elevator Pitch Segment Sunday Oct 5th at 7:30 am EST - 4:30 am on the West Coast - so set your DVR or VCR or TiVo to hear the pitch that keeps on going!!!

It is our first national exposure and couldn't come at a better time as we will be launching our Checkpoint Friendly Laptop Bag and Backpack soon, although my pitch will be for Corporate Sponsorship to enable us to donate our clear bags and backpacks to schools in disadvantaged areas where they are required.

Even as our company grows, our initial mission remains true - keeping our schools safe. Together, we can make a difference!

Monday, September 29, 2008

And The Pitch Goes On...

Well - the Elevator Pitch is one that just keeps on pitching!

Taking the advise of a colleague I emailed MSNBC about their Elevator Pitch Segment that airs on Sunday am on their Your Business show at 7:30. Long story short, they didn't even wait till they received a video copy of the pitch! Their producer went to our site and found our product "extremely compelling" and had a cancellation - so I am filming on Oct 2nd.

It is amazing to me that this one minute pitch has opened up so many doors for S1. I can't stress enough how much you owe it to your business to define the who, what, where, when, why and how of your company. Crystallizing your vision so others see its potential can bring you to clients you only dreamed of.

Once I have the air date I will post it here and hope you all tune in to hear my pitch! Together, we can make a difference!

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Elevator Pitch Finals!

Well - this is my first post in a while as I have been traveling. I returned from 10 days Rome, Sicily, Greece, Turkey and Crete - and then 2 days later flew to San Francisco for business - and came back with 3 days to prepare for exhibiting at the Small and Minority Business Showcase and to compete in the finals of the Elevator Pitch Contest sponsored by Microsoft and Instant Imprints on the 11th of Sept. Believe me - I had no idea what time zone I was even in - but was determined to put my best pitch forward.

For those of you who don't know what an elevator pitch is - it is a 30-60 second blurb about the who, what, why, where and how of your company. Who you are, what you do, why you are doing it, where your target marketplace is and how to reach you.

There were 3 finalists and they randomly drew names for presenting order and I was 2nd - the middle child - so a colleague leaned in and said - I'm the middle child, so you'll have to be the overachiever! The actual pitch is in the blog that preceeds this one - so I won't publish it again; I'd hate to be redundant.

Well - when all was said and done - I won the finals!!!!! It felt great and validating to be recognized by my peers as having the best pitch of the initial 28 companies that were cut to the top 3 - and I'll brag a bit and say that I won both of the contests.

So - that is my share for the day. A wonderful friend of mine, Maria says on her business voice mail for the Entrepreneurs Circle that they like to add something of value and will share a book or a quote of a Keiserism each day - so I hope I have added something of value to this blog by sharing how to put together a pitch for your company. You never know when you might be riding to the 40th floor with the CEO who could put your company on the map!

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Elevator Pitch

Hello fellow bloggers...
Here is the actual pitch that I used to win the contest. Hopefully it will encourage you to create a pitch that will excite people about your company and make them want to learn more - cause lets face it - that's what it is all about!

Hi I’m Dori DeCarlo, Founder and President of S1 – for Safety First.

S1 has a full line of clear bags and backpacks designed to assist with the safety measures being implemented in schools, offices, airports, sports arenas and other public venues.

After Columbine as a mom, I wanted to find a way to keep our schools safe and began S1with our Standard and Mini Backpack, Messenger Bag and Wheelchair Bag because I didn’t want to say to a child in a wheelchair, “Oh maybe someday we’ll make a bag for you.”

Our manufacturer uses the thickest materials available, offers a 3 year warranty and I worked with Chiropractors on the ergonomic design of our products all to ensure that S1 bags are CLEARLY the finest see through bags available worldwide.

We began with 4 bags and this fall numbers 15 and 16 hit the market - our Checkpoint Friendly Laptop Bag and Backpack that meet TSA requirements so travelers don’t need to remove their laptop when going through security.

Visit or call me at 203 924 6577. We’re S1 – the CLEAR advantage!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Elevator Pitch Contest

Well - usually I am sharing information I have gleaned in my Internet travels but today I am doing just a bit of self-promotion - so bear with me. I am so excited to share that the CT Small and Minority Business Association had an Elevator Pitch Contest this morning and I won!

You had 60 seconds to give your pitch about your company - the who, what, why, when, and where and the top 3 aggregate scores won a free booth, sponsored by Microsoft, at the fall Small Business Showcase and I was the first place winner!!!! Check out our site and see what we are about and why our mission was compelling!

The contest was part of the Small and Minority Business Association out of the Secretary of State's Office and Harland Henry and his staff, Ashley Mala, Terra Jasper and Alex did an amazing job as always! Leslie Mara, Deputy Secretary of State was there to welcome all of us and learn more about of collective companies. I have said it before - I hope that other states are as lucky with their public officials and their staff as we are here in CT.

It was so cool and I was so proud that they understood the message and mission of S1 and that I had the highest score. #3 was a motivational speaker and #2 was a corporate story teller - so I was in very good company. Almost 30 different businesses were represented and it was amazing to see the diverse companies in CT.

The Host from Microsoft also chose me, before the winners were announced, as his favorite pitch and gave me the new split wireless keyboard and mouse as a prize. This is one of my first communications using it and it takes a bit of getting use to - but the ergonomic design is suppose to offer better support for your wrists and once you get the hang of it - it really is a great keyboard - with more launch buttons than a NASA board!!!

Anyway - I wanted to share the news with my new network of friends! Have a great day - and don't forget to develop that Elevator Pitch for your company - you never know when you might need it!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Check our Marketers-R-Us

Marketers-R-Us! Hey I don't know about you but I grew up a Toys-R-Us kid becoming a Marketers-R-Us adult seems like the natural progression!
They are a new and very exciting networking resource and will prove to be cutting edge - so join now and make more of an online presence for yourself and your company. Tell them Dori sent you!

View my page on Marketers-R-Us

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Making New Connections

Networking is such a powerful tool and you never know who is going to lead you to someone that is going to make a real difference in your business and your outlook. As a woman in business I sometimes find it surprising how reticent other women are in working together and sharing resources. I am not sure if it goes back to the dating competition or what - but it is sometimes disheartening to me to see women almost jockeying for space rather than gaining strength in alliances. This is not always the case, and hopefully it is getting better, but it still comes up.

Well - yesterday was NOT one of those days! I urge you all to take a look at the Entrepreneur Circle and their blog - developed by an incredibly dynamic woman, Maria Keiser; she is a force to be reckoned with. We were suppose to meet for about an hour and four hours later had a hard time leaving! It is so uplifting to meet someone so focused in assisting others grow their businesses. As a person who is committed to making a difference we connected even before we met.

Again I am continuously amazed at how a mom like me who just wanted to keep our kids safe has gone on to meet the amazing people that I am connecting with. I've worked with my partners to take from 4 products to 16 in 4 short years! It just goes to show you that if you have a dream and make a commitment to make it a reality it can happen. Time is what it is and anything worth having must be worth working for - so don't focus on how long the journey is - focus on learning while on the journey - then the time won't matter.

I hope that this blog is working to make it easier to find resources to build your business and strengthen your networking connection - so join me on the journey. Together, we can make a difference.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Promote Clients and Safety Together.

Well it has been a busy Monday morning for me - thankfully! I have had more people contact me today looking to promote their clients and love the safety element that S1 Bags brings to the table. Our clear bags and backpacks give marketing and promotional companies to opportunity to take a premium product and personalize them to brand and promote their clients while offering a timely item.

It is amazing how many companies are looking for something new and unique and want to combine minimizing time spent at security checkpoints with a quality product that is cutting edge. Visit our site - and you will see why S1 bags are the finest transparent bags on the market.

Security measures are being implemented everywhere and S1 is looking to make it easier for safety and convenience to coexist. With high-quality, durable designs, S1 bags are clearly safer, clearly stronger and clearly more comfortable than the flimsy see-through plastic carryalls that many people have purchased as fashion accessories through the years. Heavyweight, temperature-resistant vinyl, fabric lined and reinforced seams and a three-year warranty against manufacturers’ defects guarantee each S1 purchaser a bag that will last.

I hope that you will join us as we expand our product on a global marketplace. Believe me, if I can do it with my mission and product line - you can too. Take the time to look at what we do and lets see how we can best work together to make it safe out there for us all. S1 - the CLEAR Advantage!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Making the Network Work for You.

Well - in finding all these new resources literally at my fingertips now I am looking to make the networking really work! Too many times I see people joining groups or networking sites and then never updating their profiles or looking at what others are doing to get their name out to others in the social networks they are signing up for.

When I first sent out connection requests I simply looked for someone that I thought might be interested in sharing contacts and information without really seeing if they were actively involved in their networking. Now, I look at the last time they updated their profile, added information, posted to their blog and generally to see if they were really looking to grow their network or just here for no other reason than to have their name somewhere.

Believe me I was just as guilty in not updating my information and have since learned that all you need to do is change one word or two and it is an entirely new submission and shows that you are active in your networking. Having joined numerous networks in the last few months I am committed to devoting time each day - even if it is only a half hour - to logging on, answering messages and getting my information out there. With a company like S1 - for Safety First - our audience is far reaching. When you visit our site you will see what I mean. With a full line of see through bags and backpacks we are really open to everyone whether for business, travel, pleasure or back to school, we have a bag for your every need.

That is why it was hard in the beginning for me to know who best to contact. Even though S1 has a product for everyone connecting with everyone is not the answer. I would rather have fewer connections that are truly interested in sharing ideas, business building and other services than a network of hundreds or thousands that are doing nothing.

So with all that said, take the time to see if the person you are reaching out to is someone that is looking to network to the fullest or if they are just there for so their name is out there. It takes a couple of extra minutes but it is well worth it.

Monday, July 21, 2008

A New Network and a Great New Product!

Hello to all that are finding this blog a helpful place to find new insight to building an on-line presence through social networking and new on-line tools. I am bringing two new things to light today - Marketers-R-Us and Talk Fusion.

You can visit Marketers-R-Us at They are the newest site that I have found that is completely focused on business building and networking. Lloyd Dugan is an excellent source for marketing and networking and he is building a site that is targeting the strong business minded people that I am looking to connect with - an hopefully you are too!

The new product I want to share is Talk Fusion - and you can visit them at This newest video email technology is the coolest one I have ever seen and even if you choose to incorporate it with another program to deliver your message the videos you can produce are amazing. Take a look and let me know what you think.

These are the 2 new places that I am working with to see how we can get our product and services out there and hope you will join me in my effort to become a strong on-line presence and resource. I hope that sharing my mission and my site site - I can find a way to assist a parent find a clear bags for their child going back to school, aid a traveler who wants to cut time at security, a fan going to a ballgame and wanting to bring in your things into the stadium or business people who are interested in new timely products for your office or clients - I know that S1 has all your clear bag needs in mind.

It still amazes me that I have gone from a mom trying to keep our schools safe to someone that is learning all that I can about how to make the WWW really work for me and for you! I hope that the information that I continue to share along with our products is helpful to all. Remember - together we CAN make a difference.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

More Social Networking.

As we all navigate these new waters of on-line social networking I wanted to bring a new site to you all. Perfect Networker, the online home for serious business professionals.

Perfect Networker Online is one of several tools created to provide you with a comprehensive business networking system, designed specifically to allow you to create, strengthen and nurture long term, win-win, mutually beneficial relationships with other business professionals who make relationship building a priority in their business. You can learn more about them at - and right now they are offering a free life-time membership to the first 1000 people that sign up on their network - just tell them Dori sent you!

Personally I think this is a great site - they are new and innovative and are doing all they can to be cutting edge - so look for new features on a regular basis.

One of the biggest things I have learned about being an on-line presence is getting your name out there in more than one network. Also - it is very important to fill in the little things they ask like your favorite movies or books. Believe it or not, people can find out who you are with these little things. In the beginning of my on-line journey, I always left this blank because I was there for business - not to make friends! Well - I quickly learned that business often develops when people see that they have things in common with you. Simple things can make you interesting as you develop an on-line network of people. Our diversity is what makes us unique and our likes bring us closer to someone that may be on the other side of the country or the world for that matter! Guess what - it really is a world wide web!!!

I am constantly amazed at how our products strike a cord in the network that I am building. Who would have thought that trying to keep our schools safe by designing clear bags and backpacks would branch out into shipping to Australia for correctional facility officers! Go figure - I am just a mom who wanted to make a difference. See for yourself how our products can assist you - visit us at and let me know what you think. How can we help you or your company or your not for profit group - please - let me know how!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Technorati Link

Technorati Profile

Technorati is a great way to promote and track your blog or weblog. They regularly update search, surface and organize blogs and otehr forms of user genterated content to assist as you are looking to become an online presence. Visit to register your blog and get noticed!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Becoming an On-Line Presence

Becoming an on-line presence is something that I am learning more and more about on a daily basis; there is so much to grasp as I delve into 2.0 technology!

I just want to say this to those ignorant of computer technology people out there - I am one of YOU - I know NOTHING about computers and half of what they are talking about - but I can follow simple directions and it is as easy as a click of your mouse or hitting enter on the keyboard - and you look like an absolute technology wizard. It is the old adage in business - "Fake it till you make it!" I can't believe how easy it has been to update my blog with and because they have links with just a click, copy and paste - it is so simple but something that I was so afraid to even attempt. Now what widgets are I still don't truly grasp - but I learned that they are really important -so there you go!!!

When I first started to learn about all of this through webinars and teleseminars my eyes would actually being to glass over and I had to take copious notes just to stay awake because it was all gibberish to me. I can't pinpoint which learning experience finally got through but all of a sudden I finally HEARD what was being said - I finally really LISTENED and there it was. There are places on-line where the links are in place for you to take advantage of - and it is just that simple.

Through I learned where to make these things happen - and have expanded my network with the amazing technology available on their site. You can become a free member or pay different prices for various services - and whatever you choose - they offer a great network and up-to-date technology right at your fingertips. They even link up with other networks like Facebook and LinkedIn for more exposure. is a newer social networking site that I also recommend as it has the right blend of business and pleasure and as a newer site will continue to offer new updated services as they grow. I don't know about you - but I love being in on the ground floor as things grow. It is also a personal connection that brings me to them - through S1, my company that has a full line of clear bags and backpacks, we are committed to the Merchant Scholarship Fund that has created. I urge you to see what they are doing and become part of this great network committed to bettering our communities.

See there are on-line social networks that offer business that makes a difference! Making a difference has been the driving force in my beginning and now in trying to become an on-line presence to assist others in building their dream one day at a time; understand that the challenges are what make us strong.

Come with me! Be part of the adventure because it is true, "Together, we can make a difference!"

Monday, July 7, 2008

More Networking Steps!

Well- I have come to learn that it is not enough to blog - you have to read other blogs and comment on them, too!!! What an interesting concept - learning from what others do!!! Go figure!!!

Now - when I look back on the learning process, I guess this should be an obvious step - but who are we kidding here. Just as in networking - we have to really invest time and energy in learning about those we are developing networking connections with.

We need to share ideas, bring new products and concepts to each other, and find the best ways to see how the process of networking can really be something beneficial to all involved.

At the same time, we need to remember why we began. We have a product or service or idea or mission to share and we want to find the best ways possible to bring our dreams to fruition as we work to help others do the same. Well - at least that is why I started S1. First and foremost I had a mission to keep our children safe - and have continued on that course even though we have expanded into so many other areas of safety and security.

I welcome your ideas, your commitments to networking, and hope that I can find a way to be of service as you pursue your dreams. Visit me at and drop me an email - or leave a comment and I will return the favor.

Also - give me ideas of what blogs are addressing networking, safety, parental concerns, travel and other venues where we fit in. I promise to do the same. See - together we can make a difference!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Networking Through the Summer!

Well - summer is here and with that comes a lull in networking. People are on vacations, have kids to deal with, or are just too darn hot to worry about making the most of their networks and connections.

I for one am doing all that I can to take advantage of the telesiminars and webinars that are available to learn all that I can about the new technology and how best to make my computer and world-wide business center.

There is a wealth of information out there if you are willing to look, listen and learn. For me, learning about this is akin to listening to Charlie Brown's teacher in the Peanuts show - "wa, wa, wa...wa, wa, wa wa wa!" Even so - I am still trying all that I can to apply what the experts have talked about, widgets, twitter and tweeting, social networks and all the rest!

I have to tell you - for a mom who's only mission was keeping guns and drugs out of schools - the growth of our network is astounding. When I began S1 it was for the sole purpose of keeping our learning environments safe - now if you visit our site - - you can see how my mission has grown and now encompasses keeping us safe no matter where we are. I have to say - what an amazing ride this has been - and the journey continues.

I invite all of you to join me in this adventure. Please, send comments, give me advise and just plain work with me on this. I know together, we can make a difference.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Where Do We Start Building a Network?

When I decided to create an on-line presence - I had to ask myself "Where do I start building a network?" I have been a mom for 20 years and I was at the point that I was basically a chef and a chauffer when I was blessed with a friends 14 month old son while she was seeking medical treatment. Well - something that was to last a few weeks turned into 16 amazing months of having a toddler in my life and looking for ways to reinvent my business!

Thankfully, the first place I found was Fast Pitch! Their are so comprehensive and had so many services to offer that I was able to work from my office rather than being on the road and still build a successful business - and most importantly - a strong network!

Having a network of like-minded business people to bounce ideas off of, look to gain knowledge, build a client base and all the other perks that come from getting to see how each one of us can bring something new to the table is an exciting thing.

It is funny, but until I started networking on line - I never realized how much corporations would embrace the product line that I developed. For me, I started my company because as a mother I couldn't even begin to imagine what parents of children that have been lost to school violence experienced. There is not ONE child in this world that is expendable and I just wanted to make a difference in the life of one child - any more than that and I have been truly blessed.

S1 - for Safety First - has just begun our 4th year. We began with 4 bags and have expanded to 16 different bags and backpacks and will be launching 2 new checkpoint friendly laptop bags in the fall. Wow!!! For a mom just looking to make a difference, it has been an amazing journey.

Please join S1 as we work to bring our products to schools, offices, airports, sports arenas and anywhere else where security faces the challenge of monitoring large crowds. I welcome your comments and suggestions and any other ideas you might wish to share. Visit us at and give us your feedback on how to keep our product line timely, fashionable and on the money. Help our world-wide network grow. Together, we can make a difference.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Social Networking at its BEST!!!

I don't know about you - but with all the on-line social networking going on - how do any of us differentiate between which sites are promoting a strong business stand and which sites are purely for socializing - and what is best to do?

If you are like me, you are looking for that right blend of business and pleasure all rolled into one. It is amazing just how many networking opportunities there are!!!

For me, I think that the best way to really communicate a business-like persona is finding the sites that are truly devoted to assisting you in marketing your business. I think that Fast Pitch is a great place to start - they are constantly updating the features and are on the cutting edge. is a newer on-line presence, and one that is adding more and more features daily.

I have been learning more and more about how to reach out to my fellow on-line networkers and begin relationships one at a time on a global level. It really is a world-wide-web!

I am constantly amazed how people are looking at our products as a solution to a problem. Whether it is cutting time at checkpoints, keeping manufacturing rooms "clean", branding their logo and giving clients a timely gift, wanting to bring things into a ballgame or concert or because their child's school has just made it mandatory for them to carry clear bags and backpacks, S1 is catching on!

Become part of the solution! Visit us at - see our line of products - and let me know what you think! I am always interested in finding new ways to make this dream of mine happen.

I've said it before and I say it again, we are - S1 - The CLEAR Advantage!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Putting the Work into Networking!

As I all navigate through the new technology, I am trying ultimately to reach out to other business professionals who are looking to build a strong network in a diverse business climate.

S1 has a unique timely way to brand your corporate identity as well as promote your company and its unique position in the marketplace.

As I continue to expand our outreach as well as our product line it is exciting to see how well the corporate world is receiving our products. As I post in my profile, I am just a mom who wanted to find a way to keep our children safe in their learning environment, which is how S1 - for Safety First - began. Sadly, the change in security world-wide has expanded my business in ways I never dreamed possible - well - dreamed yes - but actually see as a reality - it is amazing!!!

It just goes to show you - "thoughts are things!" So never stop pursuing your goals and always remember to reach out the next person as they fulfill their dreams. Together, we can make a difference.

I invite you to post comments and let me know how the safety and security issues have effected your schools, offices, travel plans and enjoying going to public venues and dealing with security. I am interested in assisting with the solutions to make security checkpoints an easy stop for all of us.

Please visit my site - to see just how far this dream has progressed. Here's to having a vision and making it a reality!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Security Friendly Laptop Bags

The TSA is going to permit passengers to use Security Friendly Laptop Bags to cut time spent at checkpoints in airports. These bags will permit travelers to leave their laptop inside their bag and open it in a way that will let the laptop lie flat in the bin when opened.

S1 - for Safety First - will be introducing two new bags this fall that will fall under the TSA guidelines. Our Laptop Messenger Bag and our Laptop Backpack will enable travelers to choose from two different style bags that will adhere to the new policies being enforced by security personnel.

No more removing your laptop to go through checkpoints. This should ease the minds of the more than 250,000 passengers a day that carry laptops onto the plane.

Signs will be posted stating that you must remove your laptop for screening unless you are using a Security Friendly Laptop Bag.

As always, S1 remains on the cutting edge. When security faces the task of monitoring large crowds, S1 will continue to offer the top of the line Security Friendly bags - all backed with a 3 year warranty against manufacturers defects.

Visit to see our full line and watch for our newest bags - our Security Friendly Messenger Bag and our Security Friendly Backpack.

S1 - The CLEAR Advantage!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Follow-up is the KEY to Successful Networking.

Ever attend an event, gather business cards and then forget where you picked them up or who the person is on the front of that card? This is the number one problem when attending an event - following up with the leads that you have made. When do you follow up? Do you contact them the minute you return to the office or do you wait a bit until the dust settles? Well - I am from the old school that when someone has been to an event and out of the office for a day it is best to let the dust settle and permit them time to catch up with the things they missed - so I wait a few days - no more than 3 business days - and then send an email thanking them for stopping by my booth if I was exhibitor, complimenting them on theirs if they were showing, or letting them know I enjoyed meeting them at the networking event.

No matter how you meet someone, the potential is there for a business contact. Even if they don't need your product or services, they just might know someone who does. I was at an event and spoke to a woman about S1 and our line of clear bags and backpacks and she said she really didn't think it was anything she could use, but found the company and concept interesting, so she asked me for a brochure. Well - I received a phone call from her the next afternoon because she had been talking with her cousin over morning coffee on the phone and her cousin said she was going to hunt to find a clear backpack because her son's school has just made it mandatory for the students. Well, she laughed telling me how she went to her bag and took out the brochure to give her cousin our website info. [BTW - the cousin ordered our large wheeled backpack]

Arriving at work, she was in the morning meeting when the boss came in and was complaining about the security lines at the airport and wondered why no one had a line of clear travel bags to cut time at security checkpoints. Well - again she reached into her bag and brought out the brochure to give him our website. [He wound up ordering our Gym bag - perfect for the overhead bins and our Deluxe Laptop Briefcase.] The woman I met called me because she had to laugh that the first two conversations she had the next day involved people who needed our clear bags - and here she thought she would never know anyone that would!!!

See - you never know where your next sale comes from or when you connect with someone where it might lead. So - follow-up with those contacts, share your business or service or product with the people you meet. You never know where your next sale will come from!!! Take a look at our site - - maybe you know someone who will need our products to raise funds, cut time at security, brand their logo, give a unique timely gift or perhaps just go to a ballgame and not have to empty out their bags!!! S1 - we ARE the CLEAR advantage!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Small Business is Big Business in CT!!!

Having just returned from the Small and Minority Business Showcase in Waterbury CT I have to say that Small Business is really Big Business here in CT!.

73% of the businesses here in CT have less than 9 employees! How amazing is that?!?!

The Secretary of State Susan Bysiewicz and Harland Henry, the amazing gentleman that runs these showcases, take a hands on approach to small business here in CT. I can only hope that other states have a Secretary of State and staff that care enough to know you by your first name on sight.

I am amazed at how kind and professional the entire staff of Ms. Bysiewicz is - which only goes to show what a gracious and caring official she is. In this day and age of businesses closing all around the country, she and her staff do all that they can to promote our businesses and bring us to the forefront to make our dreams a reality.

When so many of us feel that our elected officials do nothing for us on an individual basis I can honestly say that CT is so very lucky and blessed to have an official like Susan Bysiewicz who not only gives speeches and makes appearances but actually fights for Small Business each and every day! Talk about a CLEAR advantage! She is the real deal - and so is Harland Henry and their entire staff.

Many thanks for a great day!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Does Networking Really Work!?!?!

So - does networking really work? As someone who is becoming a queen of the networking scene I can attest to the fact that networking is the way to go. Utilizing the internet and the great networking sites out there can really open your company up on a global scale - but you have to be sure to make the most out of your time.
If you are looking for business networking check out and their networking capabilities. They are brand new and on the cutting edge. is another great avenue for making the most out of your computer.
Believe me, the internet has opened me up to contacts that I never would have made otherwise, but I think I will always prefer the one-on-one meeting - but that is because I am more old school and have to get out of my own way and join the new century!!!
Make networking really work for you. Follow up with your leads and contacts and devote a specific amount of time each day or week to connecting with those sites that can promote who you are and the mission behind your company.
Find ways to brand your company and your logo so when people think of that product or service, they think of you! For my part - when people think of clear bags and backpacks I want them to think of Dori and S1 bags. Yes, that's right - I am the classiest "bag lady" out there and want my network to know that - so when you think of see-through bags that will speed your time at security checkpoints or brand your company and your logo as cutting edge think of Together, we can make a difference and make networking really count!!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Cut your time at Security Checkpoints!

Tired of being stuck on that endless security checkpoint line? Ever try to bring things into a ballpark only to have your bag emptied out into a clear garbage bag after being rifled through by some security guard? Want to bring something on the plane without having to hassle with the safety officers? We have the CLEAR advantage for everyone!

S1 and our full line of clear bags, backpacks, corporate, school, sports, travel and wheelchair bags can make coexisting in this safety conscience world much easier. The CLEAR advantage is having a bag made from the finest clear material available at a price that is affordable. Let's face it, as consumers we have all learned that "Cheap is EXPENSIVE" so don't cut corners to save a few dollars, only to have to get a new clear bag to replace the bargain one you previously purchased. Visit us at and view the finest most comprehensive line of quality clear bags on the market.

Let's take the pain and hassle out of keeping our schools, offices, airports and other public transportation, sports arenas and other venues safe. When security has to monitor large groups of people, let S1 make it easier on all of us. Together, we can make a difference.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


2008 promises to be a great year - and we are looking to make things easier - both personally and professionally with our line of clear bags and backpacks.
Whether you need to cut down on time spent at security checkpoints or you need to create a clean work environment - or you just want to be able to find things in your bag easier - we have the line of products for you!!!
Security issues are only going to continue to pose a problem and using clear bags will make it easier to work with the safety efforts. Why let someone go through your things - when seeing them is so much more private than having them poke through them??? Visit and see how easy we can make things! S1 - The CLEAR Advantage!!!

The CLEAR Advantage!

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